At Goldenway, as customs brokers we can help clients import pets and other animals into European Union countries. We are experienced in transporting and relocating a wide range of animals, including dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, mice and fish.
You can leave it to our expert team to handle all the details involved in the import process, from travel arrangements to official documentation. We will make it easier for you to comply with what can seem confusing requirements established by EU regulations.
Assistance to comply with regulations
- Movement within the EU of non-commercial dogs, cats and ferrets: Pets already residing in any EU country can move around the EU freely, provided they have acquired a pet passport (see below) which can be obtained from local vets.
- Importing pets into the EU from approved countries: Pets being imported into any EU country from one of the listed approved countries will need to follow the requirements set out in the EU Certificate ‘EC No. 998/2003’.
- Importing pets into the EU from non-approved countries: All pets being imported into any EU country from any country not on the list of approved countries must follow the regulations of EU Certificate ‘EC No. 998/2003’ including the RNATT serology test.
- Pet Passport Scheme: Pets that need to travel freely to or from the UK and throughout the EU and other approved countries can obtain a passport under the following conditions:
- Identification microchip
- Rabies vaccination
- Visit and treatment carried out between 5 days and no later than 24 hours before the departure of the pet
Goldenway is the name you can trust when the welfare of your pet is paramount and you would like expert assistance to ensure that the importation process is as smooth and comfortable as possible. We are the only approved animal and pet company at Charles de Gaulle Airport working directly with British Airways to utilise the approved routes from all airports in France to the UK and Ireland.
For further information about our import services, please contact us.